
Hack the Box - Granny

Granny Overview Machine Details IP Hostname Operating System Granny Windows Path to Exploitation To compromis...

Hack the Box - Optimum

Optimum Overview Machine Details IP Hostname Operating System Optimum Windows Path to Exploitation The path of...

Hack the Box - Devel

Devel Overview Machine Details IP Hostname Operating System Devel Windows Path to Exploitation On this machine...

Hack the Box - Blue

Blue Overview Machine Details IP Hostname Operating System Blue Windows Path to Exploitation We leverage the ...

Hack the Box - Legacy

Legacy Overview Machine Details IP Hostname Operating System Legacy Windows Path to Exploitation This box has ...

Proving Grounds - Zino

Zino Overview Machine Details IP Hostname Operating System 192.168.x.64 Zino Linux Path to Exploitation This is a Linux mach...

AutoBox Bash Script

AutoBox Bash Script I got tired of running the same commands over and over again and decided to automate first few steps when starting on a new pentest lab machine. I create Autobox to create a dir...

Proving Grounds - Exfiltrated

Exfiltrated Overview Machine Details IP Hostname Operating System 192.168.x.163 Exfiltrated Linux Path to Exploitation This ...